Sunday, 29 May 2011

In your face pink - Yum Gum Color Club

This nearly neon medium pink creme is so good in so many ways, I love the way it looks, and smells (Ooooh Bubble Gum)!! But getting it on it a pain, its streaky and refuses to dry on it own (Seche Vite Fast Dry/equivalent is 100% required.) I needed 3 coats to make it opaque. Its not retina searing but is nicely eye catching.

Having your nails smell nice is definitely a novelty, a novelty that wears off rather suddenly when your eating. Having the faint smell of Bubble Gum lingering is a bit off putting when your trying to enjoy, let say, chips!

Also smelling your nails in public leads people to assume you are ever so slightly odd, so should be avoided.

Overall, I like the look enough to get over the negatives. Pink is here to stay.

(Sorry about the 'photo on the go'!! I took this on my phone...)


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