Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Summer Fling Water Marble

You may have seen my first attempt at water marbling, well I've made a bit more mess and this is what I eventually achieved!

I used...

Nubar Yellow Sorbet
Barry M Spring Green
Barry M Cyan Blue
Barry M Bright Purple
Essie Tart Deco (Coral)

When you are undertaking such a messy task its a good idea to put something on your skin around your nails to make clean up that little bit easier.

I use either tape or Vaseline. Both have pros and cons. Tape you can take off straight away, whereas you have to wait for the polish is dry with Vaseline. 
But Vaseline is quicker to put on in the first place!
Oh the problems of being a polish-a-holic!

Very happy overall but I still get small bubbles in the polish. 
Not sure how to solve that, any ideas??


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