Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Seche Vite Fast Dry Top Coat - Oh how I love you...

This glorious top coat is the only reason I don't spend my days with finger spread awkwardly, trying to extract thing from my handbag/generally living life without denting my freshly painted beauties. It smooths imperfection, it shines with multi faceted glossiness and resist chips for 4 days plus. All round greatness.

With a dry time of 20mins till you don't really have to worry about ruining your polish is just fine with me. 10 out of 10, 100%, what more can I say, I love this top coat.

Seche also have a UV top coat called Seche Vite Ultra-V which I want to try asap. It claims to dry all your layers of polish in 3mins under a UV light... I'm excited!!


Sunday, 29 May 2011

In your face pink - Yum Gum Color Club

This nearly neon medium pink creme is so good in so many ways, I love the way it looks, and smells (Ooooh Bubble Gum)!! But getting it on it a pain, its streaky and refuses to dry on it own (Seche Vite Fast Dry/equivalent is 100% required.) I needed 3 coats to make it opaque. Its not retina searing but is nicely eye catching.

Having your nails smell nice is definitely a novelty, a novelty that wears off rather suddenly when your eating. Having the faint smell of Bubble Gum lingering is a bit off putting when your trying to enjoy, let say, chips!

Also smelling your nails in public leads people to assume you are ever so slightly odd, so should be avoided.

Overall, I like the look enough to get over the negatives. Pink is here to stay.

(Sorry about the 'photo on the go'!! I took this on my phone...)


Friday, 27 May 2011

Topshop geography teacher - some more neutrals for ya!

Topshop Geography Teacher is a deep creamy latte shade, it paints like a dream and is very highly pigmented. The formula is soooo easy to control. Just lovely!!

I love the topshop bottles too, they are just so cute. Each polish is £5 and they have a really good range. Ive got a few more that I will post soon.

Rumour has it that Topshop make up is made by the same people who make MAC.
I don't find that hard to believe at all! The quality is fantastic.


Thursday, 26 May 2011

OPI - Miss Universe Collection

 OPI have just released details of the Miss Universe Collection which they say will be lanched in June in Las Vegas.

There will be four colours in the collection, all look full of glittery goodness. 
  • Congeniality is My Middle Name - Duochrome gold/silver/mauve
  • Crown Me Already! - Sliver top coat?
  • It's MY Year - Zingy berry
  • Swimsuit... Nailed It! - Bright, deep ocean blue

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Queen of Preen... or Pimp of Primp?

I've decided that my first post should be about the (beauty) thing that I love the most... NAILS!

I have quite a few polishes and love every single one of them. I've collected most of them over the last year and have more than once thought about insuring them!

At the moment I'm loving neutrals...

First up Sunset Sail from China Glaze

Sunset Sail is from the Anchors Away collection. Anchors Away also includes the very (very, very) lovely Starboard, which is a DEEP forest green. Anyway back to the polish in hand, literally.

SS is a beautiful semi opaque (tiny hint of visible nail line - VNL) warm beige with added subtle sparkly bits. Its part way between 'my nails but better' and 'mannequin hands'. Chic and bang on trend.

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